You have liked an item on Amazon, but it doesn’t have enough details? Or you have issues with your order? Simple, contact the seller. But if you don’t know how to contact a seller on Amazon? Then read this guide.
Who else likes to binge-surfing, and go on a shopping spree on Amazon? Well, me too and I guess everyone does. Amazon is a market that offers a wide range of products in all sizes, shapes, and budget to meet your exact needs.
Tons of sellers and vendors are working on Amazon with some amazing products for you to choose from. This helps you from wandering here and there in search of a particular product, and shops come walking to you in just a few ‘clicks’ – what could be better than this, especially in this time of pandemic?
But in some conditions, it can be a total headache. Sometimes, we place an order without even confirming much about it and then realize it later only to panic regarding how to remedy the issue.
As you know that if your order was eligible for Amazon Prime Shipping, all you need to do is to contact Amazon customer service to address your issues, problems, or complaints. But if it doesn’t come under the eligibility criteria of Amazon Prime Shipping? This is when you need to reach out directly to the third-party seller. But how to do it?
This blog is all about guiding frequent or occasional Amazon customers regarding how to contact a seller on Amazon If needed. Let’s begin.
How to Contact a Seller on Amazon?
On Amazon, the process of contacting a seller is slightly different depending on the situation that either you already placed an order with them or not. Each way requires a slightly different procedure. Here, we will discuss all three ways of contacting a seller on Amazon.
How to Contact a Seller on Amazon after placing an Order?
Ok, so you have placed an order but want to make changes, submit any queries or simply want to cancel it? You can contact your seller on Amazon using this process.
- Go to Amazon’s website and log in to your account.
- After logging in, go to the homepage
- At the top right corner, click on ‘Return & Orders’
- On the ‘Your orders’ page, select the order in the list, and click on the ‘problem with order’ button
- On the next screen, you will find an array of options under ‘what went wrong’. Select a topic from the list or select other issues if your issue doesn’t fall into the category.
- Another page would appear asking ‘What would you like to do’ – select contact seller
- Choose an option from the Select Reason dropdown.
- A text box will appear. Type your message in your text box and click Send
The seller would get the message and get in contact with you.
How to Contact a Seller Before Placing an Order?
Using this procedure, you can contact a particular seller if you want further details regarding that product, ask about some discount or confirm about some customizations.
- Go to the Amazon website as a registered user or guest.
- Go to the product you want details about.
- On the product description page, click on the name of the seller that should probably be located on the right-side panel under the ‘Add to Cart and buy now buttons.
- On the seller’s page, click ask a question – a yellow button appearing in the upper right corner.
- You will be taken to the seller Messaging Assistant. Open the message window and select an appropriate option for your query.
- The messaging bot will handle you. After clicking a couple of options, a real message window will open where you can type your specific question or attach files as well if you feel like it.
- Once you are done with your message, click ‘Send’
Hopefully, the seller will reach to you in the meantime and address your queries or requests.
How to Contact a Seller Using Buyer/Seller Message Center?
There’s also a way to contact your seller and access all your messages with the seller directly on Amazon using the buyer/seller message centre. Follow the steps to access your messages with the seller at the buyer/seller message center.
- Open the website and log in to your account on Amazon
- Hover your mouse over ‘Accounts and Lists’ located in the top-right corner and click ‘Account’ underneath ‘Your Account’ In the drop-down menu.
- On the ‘Your Account’ page, scroll down to the ‘communication and content box.
- Click on “Messages from Amazon and Sellers”
- In the message tab, select buyer/seller messages.
- Find and click on the message you want to access and reply.
Simple, isn’t it?
Final Notes
Those were the few ways to contact your seller on Amazon under certain conditions. Hope this article will help you understand how to contact seller on amazon and place your queries and requests accordingly.