What is Teen Patti?

Teen Patti is a fun online gambling game discovered in the Indian subcontinent. It is a card game that is commonly played throughout South Asia. Teen Patti comes from an English game called Three-Card Brag, similar to poker.

How to Play Teen Patti?

Three to six players usually play Teen Patti. Like any poker or rummy game, the game starts by betting. In general, cards are given to players once a certain amount of them are willing to bet. Players are then required to place a bet, and everyone’s starting amount is collected. Each player is given three cards that are face down. The boot amount is the lowest possible bet amount held in the pot. The pot is placed in the center of the table.

Once the dealer and player are given three cards, the next step is to call or raise. If you’ve ever played poker, you should be familiar with these two terms. Making a call means that the player continues the game but does not raise the stake. On the other hand, raising implies that the player puts money in the pot at greater risk of winning or losing than the first bet.

However, players should remember that betting on Teen Patti is not the same as poker. For Teen Patti players, all bets must be the same. If a player bets two coins and another player bets four, the previous player must bet an additional four coins instead of two coins on the last two. As the game progresses, the amount increases, the player who remains in the game until the hand is completed and has the highest or best hand wins. Players have the option to deposit funds using the 3 Patti real money Paytm cash option on Paytm.

Hand Rankings from Highest to Lowest

There are mainly two ways to play Teen Patti. The first is by playing with a standard 52-card deck. The second is by playing with both Joker cards in the deck. The Joker cards are then used as wild cards. The main objective of Teen Patti is for you to have the best three-card hand and maximize the pot prior to the showdown. Hands in the upper category are better than hands in the lower class.

Trail or Set (Trio)

Three cards are the same. Three twos are the lowest, and three aces are the highest possible trio.

Straight Flush or Pure Sequence

Three consecutive cards from the same suit.

Straight or Sequence

Three consecutive cards that aren’t all in the same suit. It can also be referred to as a round or sequence. The highest to the lowest ranking is similar to a straight flush.

Color or Flush

Three cards belonging to the same suit are not in a sequence. If two players share similarly valued cards, then the hands will be ranked by their suits, spades being first and the last being clubs.

Double or Pair

Two cards of similar rank. Of the pairs, the one having the highest worth is the winner. If the value of both pairs is equal, the 3rd card’s value decides the winner. The highest possible pair is A-A-K, and 2-2-3 is the lowest possible pair.

No pair (high card)

This is a hand in which the three cards are in no order, and they are not all of the same suits. The two cards do not have equal value. If two players share the same high card, the next highest card determines the winner.

Blind Players and Seen Players

Blind Player

A player should not see their cards to qualify as a blind player. Players are given the option to play Pack, Blind, and Show if possible. To play blind, place the wager amount in the pot. The blind wager amount is the same as the current bet amount or twice the current amount. The current bet amount is the starting amount for the first player. Therefore, if the first player is a blind player, they should bet at least twice the starting amount.

Stake Amount

A bet made by a blind player will be the next player’s stake amount, and half of the bet made by the Seen player will be the next player’s stake amount. For the following blind players, the bet amount can be the same or twice the initial stake amount.

Blind players can only request a show when their opponent is still playing. This is called a Blind Show. After requesting the show, both players’ cards will be displayed, and the winner will win the pot.

Seen Player

Seen players have the option to play Chaal, Pack, or take advantage of the other options, Show and Side Show. Once you see the card, you’ll need to play Chaal to stay in the game unless you select another available option.


The Seen player must be playing Chaal or Side Show, if possible, to stay in the game. For the Chaal option, players are required to place the bet amount into the pot. The Seen player’s bet amount will be twice or four times the current bet. In the case that the previous player is playing Blind, the next player’s bet amount is the same as the last player’s bet amount. If the previous player is a Seen player, the next player’s bet amount is half the bet of the last player.

Side Show

The Seen player may request a Side Show. Asking for a SideShow means you want to compare your card to the previous player’s. This can only be done if the previous player was also playing Seen, and at least one more player is still playing. For a Side Show, players place an amount equal to twice their current bet into the pot. The sideshow request will be sent to the previous player.

If the Side Show request is accepted, you will have to pack, and the previous player’s cards are better than yours. If your cards are better, the last player will have to pack. If the Side Show request is rejected, no cards will be displayed, and both players will stay in the game.


Teen Patti is an Indian original gambling game, also known as Flush or Flash, almost identical to the English Three Card Brag game. A deck of 52 cards is used, with the cards ranked in the usual order, from aces (highest) to two (lowest). This game is best for 3-6 players.


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