Useful Tips for Running a Corn Farm Business

When you think of farming, most people picture a small family operation. They see acres and acres of land with cows grazing in the distance or crops growing on their stalks. But these days, more and more corn farms are becoming larger-scale operations that rely on high-tech equipment to do all the heavy lifting. These large operations need specialized management skills to be successful so today we’ll go over some of the basics for running a corn farm business successfully!

Choose High-Yield Corn Varieties

Making sure you choose high-yield seed varieties by doing extensive research beforehand. Your research should also educate you about how to improve corn crop production as well as what is the best variety for your conditions. You want a high-yield corn variety as they are engineered to minimize the damage that can be caused by their environment. Weeds are one of the biggest challenges that corn farmers face, so planting species that have a higher tolerance for weed infestations will allow you to reduce costs. If your fields are located in an area with high precipitation, plant drought tolerant seed varieties for maximum profit margins.

Buy Modernised Equipment

Another one of the first thing you should do when starting a corn farm business is buy a GPS-equipped tractor for planting and other field operations. Using outdated technologies or one that isn’t equipped with the latest features means you’ll have to manually drive the entire length of your field in order to get an accurate estimate of how much land you’re working with. This extra work will slow down your process and add unnecessary costs to your operation. By using a modern GPS system, you can plan where all your fields are located using Google Maps, letting you cut time off from field prep and get more done in less time.

Avoid Excessive Tillage

Tillage is necessary when making new furrows in order to control weeds and aerate your soil but try not to do it too much, as large machines can cause irreparable damage to your soil’s structure. This can change how water drains in your field or even make it harder for crops to grow in some areas. Use smaller implements like spaders instead if you’re looking for better results in terms of and income.

Monitor The Weather Report

Always keep an eye on your local weather reports, as rainfall patterns are one of the biggest factors that’ll determine whether or not you have a successful crop. It’s important to plant in moist soil conditions because new seeds need water to germinate successfully. If there isn’t enough moisture during this crucial period, your crops will fail and lose money. Keep planting records for each field where you know how many days it takes for each seed variety to sprout so you can compare them later.

Be Aware of Pest Management

Without pest management, insects like corn borers could decimate your entire crop overnight! Make sure you plan ahead by doing testing beforehand to make sure your seed varieties are resistant before growing any kind of cash crops. This will spare you the heartache of seeing your hard work destroyed by a single pest that could have been prevented.

How To Control Pests Like A Pro

Here are some tips that will help you manage corn borers and other pests efficiently, while also maximizing the profit of your farm business.

  • Only set up shop in regions where there aren’t any known outbreaks for the type of pest you want to control.
  • You shouldn’t use any pesticides in sensitive areas near bodies of water or if animals could potentially come into contact with them when they’re used. Thoroughly read the entire instruction manual before applying toxins to your crops because not following guidelines can result in animal deaths or poisoning areas nearby.
  • Only kill pests when they’re actively harming your crops. Consider the environmental impact of pesticides before using them, so you don’t accidentally harm any nearby animals or pollute nearby bodies of water. This will ensure your farm business is also in compliance with government legislation, protecting your standing as a business owner/operator.

Don’t Forget About Fertilizer

Using too much fertilizer isn’t good for the soil and it also creates excess runoff which could pollute nearby bodies of water. Try to use organic fertilizers whenever possible because they’ll reduce your overall costs, speed up the time it takes for your crops to mature and won’t poison any wildlife in neighboring areas.

Organic Fertilizers


  • Organic fertilizers are often less expensive than chemical ones.
  • They can also reduce soil erosion by providing additional nutrients through decomposition.


  • Organic fertilizers take time to break down so they may not be as effective when you need them most.

Chemical Fertilizers


  • Faster acting than organic fertilizers means crops mature faster, which means more income for your farm business over the same amount of time.
  • Some chemical fertilizers will raise soil pH slightly or lower it temporarily, making it easier for certain plants to grow in an area that was previously too acidic or alkaline before.


  • Chemical fertilizers often cost more than organic types and can cause soil erosion by washing away.
  • They could also negatively impact local wildlife if they percolate into nearby bodies of water or poison plants that grow in the area.

Understand & Apply Fertilizer Recommendations

Fertilizing your crops too much will lead to rapid growth and cause problems with weed management later on! Make sure you apply fertilizer according to the instructions included with any products so you don’t waste money on excess chemical residues. Keep records for each field where you measure how high or low pH is before adding any extra fertilizers, so you know what your baseline readings are like and what kind of changes different products make over time.

So, if you’re thinking about starting a corn farm business or want to learn more about how one works, this article has some great tips for managing pests and fertilizers. We also have information on different types of soil that can help your crops grow better in any given region so you don’t run into problems with nutrient deficiencies later on down the line.


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