Home Crypto How To Buy and exchange Bitcoin With PayPal

How To Buy and exchange Bitcoin With PayPal


In this post, you’ll discover how to purchase Bitcoin using PayPal and also how to convert Bitcoin into PayPal. There are many reasons people choose to make use of PayPal to purchase or sell Bitcoin It’s feasible however it’s not feasible. PayPal isn’t able the ability to trade Bitcoin but there’s an alternative method to use PayPal using Bitcoin. Be assured it’s a bit difficult initially however once you’ve mastered this, it’ll be a breeze and you’ll be able to sell or buy Bitcoin through PayPal. Bitcoin circuit is what provides the necessary inputs.

One of the fastest and secure methods to purchase or sell Bitcoin with Paypal is through an exchange named VirWox. With this site, you’ll be able to purchase and sell Bitcoin through PayPal. However, there’s a problem that the charges are high, and the reason for this is because they have to pay for the possibility of chargebacks from customers. To comprehend this, it is important to understand why there aren’t many exchanges or companies that provide the option of trading Bitcoin with those who allow you the option of paying with PayPal.

  • Buyers who purchase with PayPal are able to chargeback. For those who are Bitcoin sellers, this is extremely dangerous as Bitcoin transactions are always permanent. That means that the Bitcoin seller runs the possibility of having to send money in Bitcoin and the buyer may demand money back, even though it was received in Bitcoin.
  • In the past, there were many hacks on PayPal accounts, which makes it riskier for a Bitcoin seller to make transactions using PayPal Be aware of the potential for chargebacks.

As you can observe, VirWox is taking a risk by allowing buyers the possibility of purchasing Bitcoin through PayPal. It is likely that they charge excessive fees to cover the risk of chargebacks by customers. A lot of people claim that they have excessive fees, however, you have to look at it from the standpoint of an exchange that takes the risk of selling Bitcoin through PayPal.

In addition to this drawback Apart from this, there are numerous benefits of using this method of exchange. In the end, you can trade Bitcoin via PayPal and you can either trade your PayPal balance in Bitcoin or transfer the Bitcoin amount to PayPal. The exchange process is quick and you do not need to make use of your bank account to complete the transaction.

Information What you need to be aware of prior to using VirWox

  • The exchange is legitimate and is offering services since 2007. It was initially created to be an exchange service for the virtual currency of Second Life, they did include the option of exchanging different currencies too. They do have more than 100k registered users.
  • If you’re a brand an inexperienced user, they’ll place your first transactions in the queue for up 48 hours. This is a legitimate security measure, and subsequent transactions will go faster after your account has been examined.
  • They offer a wide range of solutions to some of the questions most often asked. lookup their “About VirWox” link on their website. If you have any queries, you can reach them via support@virwox.com.
  • Additionally, there is a safety measure. There are limitations based on the level of your account.


Starting How to set up your account

Go to VirWox and take a look at The “Customer Login” panel on the left. At the bottom of that panel, you’ll see a few links, one of which is “Not registered yet?” Click on the link. It will open the registration page, where you have to fill in certain details to create your account.

Enter all necessary details The most important fields are “Basic Information” and “Personal Information” Also, don’t forget to indicate that you’ve read and understood the terms of service in”Terms of Service “Terms of Service”. Complete the captcha, and wait for a confirmation email with the new password and then log in within 24 hours. Additionally, it is recommended that you change the password using the “Change Settings “Change Settings” page. Make sure you have a solid password for good security.

Instructional – how-to purchase Bitcoin using PayPal via VirWox

  1. To purchase Bitcoin via the exchange you have to click “Deposit” in the “My Account” section of the left-hand panel. On the next page, you’ll need to look for a “PayPal Express Checkout” section. There is a box where you are able to input the amount you would like to deposit, and then select the currency. Then, click the “Check out PayPal “Check out with PayPal” button.
  2. We now need to convert the additional amount into the virtual world currency known as Second Life (SSL). Take a look at your “Exchange” section on the left panel, and then click the hyperlink “EUR/SLL” or “USD/SLL” according to the currency you put into your account.
  3. All we have to do is click on the “BTC/SLL” link in the “Exchange” section of the left panel. There we are able to change our SSL currency into Bitcoin.
  4. While this is not required, however, we can transfer the funds of our Bitcoin to any other Bitcoin address, like our personal wallet. To make this happen, click the “Withdraw” link in the “My account section” of the left-hand panel. On the next page, you will see the section titled “Withdraw to Bitcoin”. In the box, enter the amount in BTC you’d like to withdraw as well as the desired Bitcoin address. Once you have that, you only need to click “Request Withdrawal”.

Tutorial How to Sell Bitcoin through PayPal via VirWox

  1. To sell Bitcoin via this exchange, we have to create a Bitcoin address. Go to the “Deposit” link of the My Account” in the left sidebar. On the next page, you will see a “Bitcoin” section. Click on “Generate my Bitcoin address”. The website will create a Bitcoin address, where you can pay the amount you wish to sell.
  2. Then transfer your amount in Bitcoin you wish to exchange to the account you created in the previous step, and then wait until all confirmations are received.
  3. Once your payment has been processed You should find your Bitcoin on the left in the section called “Account Balance” and “BTC”. Then click to click the “BTC/SLL” exchange link in the left “Exchange” menu. On this page, you have been attentive to the “Exchange BTC to SLL” tab “Exchange BTC to SLL” tab. There you can read “I am looking to sell …” and you must enter the amount you would like to exchange. If you have typed the amount correctly, you will need to click “Next”. Pay attention to the additional charges and if happy with the fees you can click “Place Order”.
  4. The order is now completed and placed. Because you’ve swapped BTC to SSL and SSL, you will have your SSL amount on the left beneath “Account Balance”. The next step is to click the “USD/SLL” “USD/SLL” link in the “Exchange” menu. On this page, under “I need to buy” …”, put in the amount in USD you wish to purchase. You can also click “Next” and if you agree with the costs and charges, click “Place Order”.
  5. If you look under “Account Balance” you should now be able to verify that you now have a USD balance. The final step is that we must take out the USD balance. Go to your “My Account” tab and select the “Withdraw” link. You will view”Withdraw to PayPal” and the “Withdraw to PayPal” area where you have the option to input the amount you wish to withdraw as well as you can enter your PayPal email address from which you’d like to receive the amount. Make sure that you have everything in order since you won’t need confirmation once the click “Request Withdrawal”. After this final click, you’ll now receive an email confirming that your withdrawal was completed. It will take a while before you are able to receive the funds you have paid via PayPal generally, which is around about an hour.

I hope that you have enjoyed this article on VirWox and I hope that you have learned how to purchase Bitcoin using Paypal or to transfer your Bitcoin into PayPal. Let me know in the comments if you’re satisfied with my tutorial or if you’d like to add any additional information.