Examining the Advantages of Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana

Social vulnerability is significant in the unorganized sector. The West Bengal government has created welfare programs for construction workers, state-assisted provident fund plans, and others to help these individuals. However, these systems’ advantages sometimes match. West Bengal’s government created the Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana to address this. Because of this method, informal sector workers may access government support programs. This page details the program’s goal, benefits and features.

WB Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana 2023

West Bengal introduced the BMSSY. This policy includes several unorganized sector activities to provide uniform benefits. Unorganized industries and self-employed jobs registered by the West Bengal Labor Department are considered under this plan. 

This category also includes construction and transportation workers. The recipient must invest Rs.25 per month in the provident fund to benefit from this plan. The government will eliminate this monthly payout on April 1, 2020. West Bengal must now pay the whole ammount.

Goal Of Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana

Yojana combines various government measures to ensure the unorganized sector benefits from them. This initiative allows all users to access government benefits, reducing occupational disparity in the workforce. This project will assist workers to become financially independent and improve their quality of life. This program will also boost social prestige.

Benefits of Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana

  • Samajik Bina mulya, The West Bengal government, introduced the Suraksha Yojana.
  • This program includes all unorganized sector activities to provide equal benefits.
  • Unorganized industries and self-employed jobs registered by the West Bengal Labor Department are considered under this plan. This category also includes construction and transportation workers.
  • The recipient must invest Rs.25 into the provident fund each month to benefit from this plan.
  • The government will eliminate this monthly payout on April 1, 2020.
  • West Bengal must now pay the whole amount.
  • With the program, the recipient’s life will improve.
  • Once this organization is operating, the recipient will become autonomous.
  • This initiative will boost beneficiaries’ social standing considerably.


  • The interim budget
  • All qualifying workers must pay 25 rupees to the provident fund each month.
  • The state government would also match the worker’s contribution with 30 rupees.
  • Like the federal government, the state government will pay yearly interest on general provident fund contributions.
  • Workers or their nominees will get the whole amount plus interest when the beneficiary reaches sixty, leaves the scheme, or dies. The account likewise stays inactive after a death.
  • Customers who go delinquent for three fiscal years will lose their subscriptions instantly.
  • After receiving an application from subscribers explaining the nonpayment, the assistant labour commissioner may reinstate the account.

Death and Impairment Causes

  • The nominee will get two million Indian rupees if the recipient dies accidentally.
  • The nominee receives 50,000 rupees if the recipient usually dies.
  • If disabled by 40% or more, the beneficiary would get 50,000 rupees.
  • If you have permanent and total eyesight loss in each eye, amputation of both limbs, partial or complete paralysis, or any combination of the above, you will get Rs 2,000,000.
  • A person who becomes permanently disabled or loses a limb will get 100,000 rupees (Rs).


The West Bengal Bmssy protects unorganized worker families financially and otherwise. Provident money, medical help, and educational support enable the program to meet many requirements. 

Any citizen between 18 and 60 may apply, and the procedure is simple. The government wants to provide its residents with a safer and more secure future; hence, the initiative prioritizes the unorganized sector. The Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana is a major advancement in economic development and social inclusion.

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