As the founder, co-owner and partner of Aurea Multi-Family Office, Raffaele Riva has already carved out for himself the type of career that most people can only dream of. He has extensive experience in not only asset and wealth management but also real estate, international cross-border activity, corporate finance, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions and much, much more.
Aurea Multi-Family Office, along with its other strategic business partners, are dedicated to effectively managing extremely significant assets and businesses on behalf of its clients. It has done this since its inception in 2008 and this is one trend that shows absolutely no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
In a recent interview, Raffaele Riva gave insight into a variety of different topics. He shed light onto not only his background and the journey that he took to get to the successful position where he is today, but also what his typical day looks like, what advice he’d give to people who are looking to follow in his footsteps and more.
Raffaele Riva: The Story So Far
Born in 1962, Raffaele Riva is proud of his heritage – to the point where he maintains both Swiss and Italian citizenship. He proudly graduated (with honors) from the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy in 1987, with a degree in Economics. He also had specialties in corporate financing, tax law, accounting, banking law and many other related areas.
By 1989, he had worked hard to become a Qualified Accountant via that same school. It was then that he earned his Dottore Commercialista degree, before completing his post-graduate education in SSQUEA at the Canton Ticino Managemetn Business School in 1997.
All of this is to say that if you had to make a list of people who have worked incredibly hard to get to the point where they are today, Raffaele Riva would undoubtedly be right at that top. From an early age, he knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life and he set out to make that vision of the future a reality. In a lot of ways, how he was able to accomplish this is just as interesting as the journey itself.
When asked in the aforementioned interview what his typical day looks like and how he manages to maximize his own productivity with so much going on, Raffaele Riva indicated that there isn’t actually what he would define as a “typical day” in his professional life. He begins working around 7:30am or 8:00am depending on how late he stayed up the night before and he always makes it a priority to attend to pressing matters first. He then meticulously goes through the rest of the items on his list before finishing up by around 8:30pm or 9:00pm, depending on the day.
One of the keys to his success comes by way of a journal that he keeps with him – one that he uses to chronicle his agenda for not just today, but for the following days as well. Very rarely does he ever attempt to plan out a day on the fly – he typically wakes up knowing exactly what needs to be done, why it is important and what his deadlines actually are. This helps keep things in perspective, which ultimately helps keep him on track.
As an entrepreneur, one of the elements that Raffaele Riva believes helps to keep him as productive as possible ultimately comes down to his ability to think positively. Yes, some days can seem so busy that they feel insurmountable – there is a lot to do and not enough hours to do it in. But that unending feeling of positivity, coupled with the confidence that only comes with knowing that he is being kept in-the-loop, go a long way towards helping him feel like he’s getting the most out of every day.
In the end, Raffaele Riva worked hard to get to the point where he is today – and he is absolutely not ready to stop giving 100% to accomplish his goals. In the interview he indicated that the thing that excites him the most is his dedication to succeeding in all areas in both his professional and personal lives, which is a lesson that all of us can learn from.