Be Seen With a Los Angeles Billboards

Billboards are one of the most underutilized marketing and advertising methods. Why? The billboards we see every day are enormous, so their price tag must be enormous too, right? How will they benefit my small business? Does anyone even look at them anymore? What is once thought of as out of reach for many business owners is really closer than you may think, especially Los Angeles billboards. Read more to see how billboards can really make you stand out among the crowd.

What is a Billboard?

Let’s start from the beginning. Billboards, as we know them, were created about 100 years ago. They pull their inspiration came back in the early 1800s when oversized posters were placed on the sides of buildings that were facing a road. Businesses would buy these posters to attract people on foot and horseback to come to take a look. During these early years, there was no one regulating billboards. All of that changed in 1965 when the Highway Beautification Committee was created to regulate billboards. Fast forward to 1867, and the first billboard was born, followed by subtle changes that bring us to the look, style, and size we see today.

Why Do Los Angeles Billboards Work Well?

 Los Angeles is located in the great state of California and is the second-largest city in the United States, with a population of 3.9 million. Add in the number of tourists that are traveling to Los Angeles after seeing it in a movie or just visiting to see what the fuss is all about. The city is just over 500 square feet in size and boasts numerous major highways running in all directions. So what makes Los Angeles a great place to have a billboard? All of those factors combined. Los Angeles has less than reliable public transit, which makes for long commutes for those leaving home to head to work in another city and long commute times for those going to work in Los Angeles. That means you have a large, dedicated audience that sees your Los Angeles billboard every single day. On the 405 interstate alone, there are more than 380,000 vehicles on the road every day. The more they see your Los Angeles billboard, the more likely they are to remember your business or product when it comes time for them to purchase a product similar to what you’ve been advertising. This is how brand awareness works, and when it works, it truly is priceless. Brand Awareness is also the first step in the marketing funnel, so you stay top of mind for longer. It’s hard to put an ROI on brand awareness, but for some of the biggest companies in the world, it’s worth a lot. 

How Can I Make My Billboard Stand Out?

  • Use vibrant colors. Vibrant colors will make your billboard stand out, which will get you noticed. Don’t use colors that will blend the billboard in with its surroundings. Vibrant colors pop and will turn the heads of consumers as they drive by. Be sure to use contrasting colors to make your text or images stand out from the bright background. You don’t want your message to get lost!
  • Large font and a clear message. Every driver has between five to ten seconds to see your billboard, look at the design, read the message, and comprehend the message you’re trying to share. Keep in mind that the driver is, hopefully, glancing back and forth at the road in those five to ten seconds. Less is more in the advertising world, and that is especially true for billboards. 
  • Have an eye-catching and attractive design. People have a lot of distractions while driving. They’re watching the road, watching the car in front of them, listening to the radio, talking on the phone, looking at other billboards in the area, and a multitude of other things. So for a billboard to draw the eye, they have to see it and think, what is that? The only way to do that is to create something that’s pleasing to the eye, so much so that they turn left or right to catch your design. 
  • Have a call to action. What are you trying to do with your billboard? Whether you’re trying to sell a product or increase traffic to your website, say it! Call now, visit today, and shop now. And remember the less is more when creating a clear message? It’s the same with your call to action.


Some may say that Los Angeles billboards are overpriced and not a worthwhile medium to use in a marketing and advertising strategy, but we beg to differ. Los Angeles billboards are the perfect solution for a short-term campaign that doesn’t break the bank. Next time you’re driving, look at the billboards you see. What do you like in a billboard, and what do you not like? What stands out to you? Billboards haven’t been around for as long as they have been for no good reason. 

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