4 Tips When Looking for Specialty Item Movers

Few people look ahead to moving. Still, more than 40 million Americans move every year. For some of these people, moving is even more challenging because they own specialty items.

If you happen to own a pool table, a hot tub, a gun safe, or some other specialty item, you need to practice extra caution during the moving process to ensure it arrives at your new destination in good condition. 

Hiring any regular moving service is a bad idea. What you need is a mover who can handle specialty items.

But not all specialty item movers are created equal. Here are four tips to help you identify the best specialty item movers for your needs movers near me.

  1. Ask for Referrals From Friends and Family

One of the best ways to find a good specialty item mover is to ask for referrals from friends and family. If they have had a good experience with a mover in the past, they will likely be happy to recommend them to you.

The best thing with referrals is that you can get an honest opinion about the company from someone who has actually used their services. It’s no wonder 93 percent of Americans trust references when making purchasing decisions.

The movers near me may also be able to provide a list of references upon request. Ask for at least three references to get a good idea of the company’s track record. Be sure to follow up with each reference to get their honest feedback.

Beware of companies that seem hesitant to provide references. This could be a sign that the company is not confident in its work or has something to hide.

  1. Check Online Reviews

Another great way to find a competent specialty item mover is to check online reviews. That’s because these reviews reveal the thoughts and experiences of real customers who have used the company’s services.

Be sure to read a variety of reviews, both good and bad. This will give you a well-rounded view of what to expect if you decide to use the specialty item mover in question.

A quick Google search of pool table movers in your area will likely bring up not only the names of a few options but also several reviews about each mover from their past customers. Be sure to read through them all to build a complete picture of each company.

When checking online reviews, be sure to look at multiple sources. A company could easily post fake positive reviews on their own website, so you’ll want to find independent review sites.

Pay attention to both the positive and negative reviews. See if there is a pattern of complaints about a particular issue. This could be a red flag that you should avoid using the specialty item mover in question.

All in all, online reviews can give you a good idea of what to expect from using a specialty item mover. Just be sure to read them with a critical eye.

  1. Contact the Movers Directly and Ask Questions

From the first two tips, you should be able to get a list of specialty item movers to consider. The next step is to contact each company directly and ask questions about their services.

Ask the company about their experience moving specialty items. See if they have a lot of experience with the type of item you need to move. Generally, the more experience they have, the better.

It also helps to ask how flexible the company is. Can they work with your schedule? If, for some reason, you can’t move on the set date, can they accommodate you?

Can the company prove they’re licensed? It seems like an obvious question, but it doesn’t hurt to be extra vigilant. And if the company seems hesitant to answer this question, it’s a quick way to weed them out from your list.

Inquire about the company’s insurance policy. See what type of coverage they have and how it would work in the event that something goes wrong during the move.

Finally, ask about their availability. See if they are able to accommodate a move on the date you need it.

  1. Compare Estimates

Now that you’ve asked each specialty item mover a few questions, it’s time to compare their estimates. First, look at the price of the move. Is it within your budget?

Next, look at the services offered. Are they all-inclusive, or do you have to pay extra for certain services? Some specialty item movers may have a lower price but charge extra for things like insurance or stairs.

Other specialty item movers may have a higher price but include these things in their estimate. Be sure to compare apples to apples when comparing estimates to get the best value for your money.

Finally, be sure to read the fine print. What are the terms and conditions of the estimate? Make sure you understand them before signing anything.

Once you’ve looked at all the estimates, you should have a good idea of which specialty item mover is right for you. Be sure to choose the one that offers the best combination of price, services, and terms.

Find the Right Specialty Item Movers for You

We hope these four tips will be helpful as you look for specialty item movers. Just remember to do your research and ask plenty of questions to find the best company for your needs. 

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